Why Do Dogs Lick You? Decoding Your Dog's Licking Language

Why Do Dogs Lick You? Large Dog Licking with tongue showing

Why do dogs lick you?

  • Dogs lick due to instinct, affection, and communication.

  • Licking helps dogs gather information through scent and taste.

  • Excessive licking can indicate health issues or nutrient deficiencies.

  • Positive reinforcement is effective in managing licking behaviour.

Ever wondered why your canine companion seems so intent on licking you? It's not just about seeking attention; there's a whole conversation happening when your dog licks. This behaviour is deeply rooted in their instincts, emotions, and how they communicate.

Instinctual Reasons

From their earliest days, puppies learn licking from their mothers as a way to clean and soothe, using saliva that has bacteria-fighting properties. This behaviour is also a survival mechanism from their wild ancestors, where licking was used to clean wounds and prevent infection. So, when your dog licks you, it’s a remnant of this early learning – an instinctive act.

Dogs also use their senses of scent and taste to gather information about their world , and this includes you. The salty tang of perspiration on your skin can tell your dog a range of things, from your stress levels to your personal identity. When your dog licks you, they're exploring these scents and tastes to learn more about your state of being.

Emotional Connections

Licking is a key way dogs show affection . When a dog licks you, it’s often the canine equivalent of a hug or a kiss. This behaviour is their way of connecting with you on an emotional level, showing trust and fondness. Just as humans use words or gestures to express affection, dogs rely on behaviours like licking. This exchange stimulates endorphins for both of you, reinforcing the deep emotional bond you share.

A dog’s lick can also symbolise appeasement or a greeting. It's their way of maintaining the hygiene and emotional well-being of those they consider part of their pack.

Communication and Social Bonding

Dogs use licking as a nuanced form of communication with their humans . A gentle lick might mean your dog wants attention or exercise. A soothing lick might mean they're trying to comfort you, or themselves, in times of distress. Licking can also be a sign of submission or respect, where a dog acknowledges their bond with you and their reliance on you for care. When a dog licks you, it’s a moment that releases oxytocin, strengthening the bond between you.

Health and Sensory Factors

Sometimes, licking isn’t just about affection or communication; it can also be related to a dog's health and sensory needs. Dogs have a keen sense of taste and smell, so they might be licking you due to the interesting scents and tastes they find on your skin. Persistent licking can sometimes indicate underlying health issues like dental pain or digestive problems. Nutrient deficiencies can also influence licking behaviour, with dogs seeking out salts and minerals missing from their diets.

Behavioural Issues

If licking becomes excessive, it might point to behavioural issues like anxiety or stress. Obsessive-compulsive licking can stem from various triggers, and it's the dog's way of trying to soothe themselves. If you notice this, it might be worth speaking with a vet or dog behaviourist.

Is Licking Safe?

While it can be a loving gesture, there are hygiene implications to consider. Dogs explore their world with their mouths, which can be a vessel for bacteria. For children and those with weakened immune systems, it's wise to be cautious and minimise licking, as bacterial transmission is possible.

How to Manage Excessive Licking

If your dog’s licking is a bit much, you can manage it using positive reinforcement techniques. This involves rewarding your dog for alternative behaviours or diverting those behaviours to interactive dog toys. Trying using dedicated licking products, like the LickiMat Buddy, which can actively engage their brain and divert their licking behaviour towards treats. 

You can also offer alternative ways for your dog to show affection, like cuddling or a gentle paw. Setting clear boundaries and consistent responses are also important.


Understanding why dogs lick you provides insights into their instincts, emotions, and health. It's a complex behaviour that can represent affection, communication, or even underlying issues. By recognising the different reasons behind the behaviour, we can foster a more harmonious relationship with our beloved dogs.

by Why Do Dogs Team – December 24, 2024